Thursday, July 28, 2011

Its been Awhile Heres Eracia v0.0.1f

Wow its been awhile since I updated, but here is my small update on Eracia:

1.) Finally got my light sources to work well and much faster than before.  The map  generator will start randomly putting torches in rooms and hallways.

2.) Started working on small support for Tiles.  This will be the last thing I honestly will be working on even if it never gets done.

3.) Started working on Player Input, Updating Entities, and updates to the map in a well polished MainGameLoop().

4.) Started cleaning up my classes and using encapsulation to a way that I feel is good.

5.) My map generator now deletes excess walls.

6.) Started working on The Title Screen and Character Creation Screen

7.) Started working on my Stats Class both Monsters and the Player will share this class.

8.) Worked on the Panels so I can show and hide them when needed. And made a Class that they inherit with the same functions.

9.) Started a better version of my input engine.

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